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  1. #1

    blue light, white light

    i have a 86 hatteras with a blue light and a white light adjacent to it on my mast. at the switchs in the salon, it is written 'owners' and 'dinning' . what do these lights mean when theyare on? thanks

  2. #2

    Re: blue light, white light

    That device is an "owner absent/meal light" Blue light on means owner is not onboard. White light on means owner is having supper. These are obviously used at night. During the day there are corresponding flags with the same meaning. You must own a rather large Hatteras yacht as the smaller yachts generally don't have these. This is something from the "old days" of yachting when there was still courtesy and decorum. I'm old enough to remember that far back!
    Last edited by SeaEric; 08-15-2007 at 06:24 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: blue light, white light

    Thats what is referred to in days of yore as "etiquette". Although not a steaming light, it is "owners aboard" and the blue light is "dinner being served aboard" usually with the caveat that gentleman guests wear blue blazers and white ducks (pants).
    These signals used to be given by pennant, and are usually displayed at anchor. Can you picture the old yachts in the 30s laying off Palm Beach hoisting pennants for cocktails etc? ... And I dont mean BEER FLAGS !!! I usually signal being aboard by displaying my stern ensign. Most of my friends know if I am around since I live 25 miles away. As an addendum, when laying on a can in a Chicago harbor, the anchor light is a signal for the harbor tender to come and pick you up for a shore visit. ws

  4. #4

    Re: blue light, white light

    Quote Originally Posted by yachtsmanbill View Post
    Thats what is referred to in days of yore as "etiquette". Although not a steaming light, it is "owners aboard" and the blue light is "dinner being served aboard" usually with the caveat that gentleman guests wear blue blazers and white ducks (pants).
    These signals used to be given by pennant, and are usually displayed at anchor. Can you picture the old yachts in the 30s laying off Palm Beach hoisting pennants for cocktails etc? ... And I dont mean BEER FLAGS !!! I usually signal being aboard by displaying my stern ensign. Most of my friends know if I am around since I live 25 miles away. As an addendum, when laying on a can in a Chicago harbor, the anchor light is a signal for the harbor tender to come and pick you up for a shore visit. ws
    I hope I got that one right Eric... Its been a LOOONG time since I checked my nautical etiquette book. Its on my Roamer and a hundred miles away! ws

  5. #5

    Re: blue light, white light

    Bill, I had to "Google" it to be sure. Based upon my quick recollection, I think my description is correct. Subject to verification, and as always your mileage may vary. Though believed correct, particulars are not guaranteed.

  6. #6

    Re: blue light, white light

    Don't you Hatteras "yachtsmen" know anything?

    It's obvious:

    White Light = "coast is clear, OK to come aboard"

    Blue Light (911) = "wife's aboard"

    Capt'n Bill

    "People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them feel."

  7. #7

    Re: blue light, white light

    Quote Originally Posted by (Nobody You Know) View Post
    Don't you Hatteras "yachtsmen" know anything?

    It's obvious:

    White Light = "coast is clear, OK to come aboard"

    Blue Light (911) = "wife's aboard"

    Gee, what does the red light on mine mean?
    Everyone should believe in something - I believe I will go fishing - Henry David Thoreau

  8. #8

    Re: blue light, white light

    interesting !

    etiqwhat ? :-) just look around and see how many boats leave their Stars and Stripes flying 24/7/365, even torn and faded like it's been trampled by a crowd of angry muslims or G8 protestors...
    Miami, FL
    1970 53 MY #325 Cummins 6CTAs
    2014 26' gaff rigged sloop
    12' Westphal Cat boat

  9. #9

    Re: blue light, white light

    It means you have company??
    Capt'n Bill

    "People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them feel."

  10. #10

    Re: blue light, white light

    WHEW !!! and I do mean WHEW!!! I'll hafta stick to tug boats! Two vertical ambers with a white on top??? >>> Wife being towed astern in the dinghy; ALL CLEAR ! ws
    Last edited by yachtsmanbill; 08-22-2007 at 10:34 PM.

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