Okay, I know my name is showing up a lot these days, but I have finally decided I would take responsibility for the creation of the Sandbar. Why not, I get credit for being the first one tossed out of it!

It would seem most members have an occasional drink or ten, so I thought I would give ya'll a little chuckle to help you through another Hattless day as most of us have to work for a living.

I bought a set of coasters last week, and I found them to be very funny. There were six in a set and they each had different words and their meanings listed on their faces. Here goes:

1. Sober, adj., Possessed of iron will, but often lacking a sense of humor. Helpful with doing dishes, finding cd's and lifts home. Probably in need of several stiff drinks!

2. Tipsy, adj., The usual signs are a flushed face, stupid grin, loud voice and a profound love for mankind. The sufferer is incredibly deep, intelligent and insightful but prone to giggle.

3. Plastered, adj., Extremely generous, loud and confident. Suffering from verbal diarrhea and a belief that he/she can drink anyone under the table.

4. Drunk, adj., Suffering from vision, hearing and speech impairment, with an isatiable appetite for pizza, will do anything that moves, possessing an illogical belief that he/she is gorgeous despite dribbling and slobbering.

5. Wasted, adj., Invincible but incapable. Suffering from extreme loss of balance, co-ordination and sex appeal. Liable to sleep anywhere. Babbling incoherently with loss of most bodily functions.

6. Hung-over, adj., Suffering from near death like state, often catatonic and always with a pounding headache. Unbalanced with no sense of humor. Needs total silence and another drink!

Okay, okay, I'm still working on the book I plan to post about my trip from Charleston to Ft Myers back in January. I'll get started later this afternoon after I've had a couple of Goose & Juice thought purifiers!

Ya'll might want to reach at least the tipsy stage before you read that one!