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    Sandbar Policy & Posting Guidelines

    Everything Else (Sandbar) Guidelines

    This section of the forum is for topics that are less technical and non-Hatteras specific in nature. Acceptable usage polices will still be enforced here as stated below. Repeated offenses will result in suspension of forum privedges.
    Please use offline emails or private messaging for one on one chats.

    Hatteras Owners Forum Acceptable Use Policy & Guidelines

    Listed below are some expectations that users will be held to when using this forum.


    The Hatteras Owners forum was created for Hatteras owners (past, present, & future) and others throughout the Hatteras community as a place where members can learn and share. Current ownership of a Hatteras is not a requirement for registration or participation.

    Forum Posting Requirements

    While all visitors may read the messages in the forums, you must first register in order to post a message. Registration also serves to update owner documentation in the manufacturer’s database. Please note that your hull number (HIN) is usually required to allow Hatteras to validate ownership in their database. Registration information will not be shared with any party other than Hatteras Yachts for the exclusive purpose of maintaining accurate Hatteras owner information.

    Posting Guidelines
    We ask that you follow basic "netiquette guidelines" when using the forums.

    • We recommend reading messages in a particular forum group for a while before posting. This will acquaint you with the discussions taking place, other participants, and the general tone of the group. Much like joining a conversation at a party, listening first and talking second will result in a better experience for everyone. That said, however, don't be afraid to participate! The true value of this forum is in the discussions that take place and the people participating in them!

    • Search before posting - Please try to use the search feature on the forum prior to starting a new topic. There’s a good chance you’ll find a past thread on the issue you are interested in.

    • Refrain from using vulgar or off-color language or posting offensive, racist or insulting messages. This forum is sponsored by Sam’s Marine and as a result, the forum content can reflect upon our company and to some degree that of the manufacturer. Your understanding and consideration of this fact is sincerely appreciated.

    • Please "try" to keep topics related to Hatteras and boating. Occasional digressions are quite OK, but they should be the exception and not the rule.

    • Advertisements or public solicitations by vendors for goods or services are not allowed in the forums. Businesses within the Hatteras community are welcome and encouraged to participate and contribute to the discussions at hand, but flagrant advertisements and solicitations are not allowed.

    • If a conflict arises with another member - TAKE IT OFFLINE. The forum and the Sandbar is meant to be a place where members of the Hatteras community can help one another - not a place for public controversy.

    • Bashing of vendors or members is prohibited. If you feel the need to comment about a negative experience associated with a vendor, take it offline and do it privately. There can be legal ramifications associated with public defamation.

    • Try to avoid thread clutter caused by unnecessary one-liner replies that do not add value to the thread. Remember too that you can use the forum Private Message function for these type of replies which do not add anything useful to the topic being discussed.

    • A minor point but one that may be worth mentioning for members who are new to such discussion groups – please avoid using “all caps” when posting as this is sometimes interpreted by other members as shouting and can make posts more difficult to read.

    • Posting personal emails or private messages to the public forum is expressly prohibited and grounds for immediate suspension of forum priviledges.

    Political and religious threads and posts and replies within existing threads are expressly prohibited. If you are in doubt, please contact the administrator before posting.

    Moderators monitor the forums and reserve the right to delete any message, without notice, that does not follow these guidelines. A violation of the Forums Acceptable Use Policy constitutes "unauthorized use" and may result in termination of your privileges with repeated offenses. We extend our sincere thanks for following the guidelines above and for the content contributions which have made this forum a success.
    Last edited by administrator; 08-21-2019 at 01:41 PM.
    Doug Langley, Forum Admin
    Sam's Marine International

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