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  1. #11

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    If you have zero pressure left and the ram is empty you should be able to center the rudders manually with a big wrench. Some boats have an emergency tiller for that purpose.

    I still have the original 1970 copper steering pipes thru out the boat. Probably will last longer than the new stuff!
    Miami, FL
    1970 53 MY #325 Cummins 6CTAs
    2014 26' gaff rigged sloop
    12' Westphal Cat boat

  2. #12

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    One of the great things about this site. I learned three things today..

    1. The reverse trick
    2. Remember to have my 24" and 36" handy
    3. Inspect my steering hydraulic lines

    1976 58' LRC Hull #311
    "Miss Maggie"
    Riviera Dunes, FL

  3. #13

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    What is the 24” and 36”, box wrench?
    I saw a YouTube post where they had a steering issue. The boat had a metal tube that went between the two rudders to help center them. That I get. I don’t understand how to use a wrench to center the rudders? The reverse thing, yeah that’s in the toolbox now. Thanks for the tip!
    Dave & Trina
    1989 60MY HATDK310
    Sturgeon Bay/Ft. Lauderdale

  4. #14

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    Quote Originally Posted by Sadey View Post
    What is the 24” and 36”, box wrench?
    I saw a YouTube post where they had a steering issue. The boat had a metal tube that went between the two rudders to help center them. That I get. I don’t understand how to use a wrench to center the rudders? The reverse thing, yeah that’s in the toolbox now. Thanks for the tip!
    Sorry... meant to put in the 24" and 36" "pipe" wrench. I have two of each on the boat. I also keep set of large open/box wrenches on board as well between 1" and 2-1/8".
    1976 58' LRC Hull #311
    "Miss Maggie"
    Riviera Dunes, FL

  5. #15

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    I had a line blew 74nm offshore. Hatteras ran the steering lines around the sides of the hull before the cockpit liner and cap went on. When we got the boat the PO had a 10’ pvc tube in the ER with every side tube in it. But the pinhole was outboard of the exhaust and I could barely reach it. I found a compression coupling in with my misc box of fittings and cut the line and put that in. Didn’t have enough ATF to fill the system so I used 10/30 oil I had for the generators. Worked fine bled the system and no harder to turn the wheel. I ran all new lines under the back deck and abandoned the ones in the hull. I never did flush the system out and the engine oil is probably still in there 30 years later.

    Endless Summer
    1967 50c 12/71n DDA 525hp
    ex Miss Betsy
    Howard P. Miller 1967-1974
    Richard F Hull 1974-1976
    Robert J. & R.Scott Smith 1976-present

  6. #16

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    I do have pipe wrenches onboard and centering the rudders was a conversation, sea conditions wouldn't allow.

    Thanks to everyone for the response. I certainly intend to utilize the bleed box and will update progress on the fix
    '88 55'C hull 394 ​BEATs Therapy
    12-71 TA's ZF BW190 1.5:1 gears

  7. #17

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    1/2” lines ran. 3/8” once my back allows. Still have to secure everything. I didn’t realize my helper ran the 3/8” through the same ER bulkhead passage as a 1/2”, that has to be redone, uggggg. The thought of one of these flares/fittings leaking when I fill sickens me. Lol
    Attached Images
    Last edited by ageless; 10-30-2024 at 07:38 PM.
    '88 55'C hull 394 ​BEATs Therapy
    12-71 TA's ZF BW190 1.5:1 gears

  8. #18

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    Nice work
    Sky Cheney
    1985 53EDMY, Hull #CN759, "Rebecca"
    ELYC on White Lake--Montague, MI

  9. #19

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    before filling with oil, pressurize the system with only air and that will tell you if you have a leak.

  10. #20

    Re: Complete steering loss in St Augustine inlet

    Quote Originally Posted by bostonhatteras View Post
    before filling with oil, pressurize the system with only air and that will tell you if you have a leak.
    GREAT IDEA!!! Thank you
    '88 55'C hull 394 ​BEATs Therapy
    12-71 TA's ZF BW190 1.5:1 gears

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