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  1. #1

    Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    Wondering of she is okay from the flooding in Mad beach. We are out of state. BOATSB asking if we were around to check but we are not. Also most who we know stayed have left due to the power situation.

    She probably evacuated but we need check. Anyone able to contact her?
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    No car at Dave’s house so good sign.
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    My friend at Madeira Beach had 4.5ft of water in his house. The boat did fine on a lift but the house is a mess. Hope her place didn't end up the same way.
    Sky Cheney
    1985 53EDMY, Hull #CN759, "Rebecca"
    ELYC on White Lake--Montague, MI

  4. #4

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    It did. High surge. Smoked our built up house garage.
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    I texted Scott and asked the same question after seeing Madeira Beach took a hard hit. Her profile on Facebook seems to have disappeared. Didn’t know if she was still in the same house on the water or not.
    Randy Register - Kingston, TN
    aka Freebird aka Sparky1
    1965 41DC #93

  6. #6

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    False alarm on the Facebook profiles. They’re still there.
    Randy Register - Kingston, TN
    aka Freebird aka Sparky1
    1965 41DC #93

  7. #7

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    I just had a fairly lengthy discussion with Linda, and she’s fine. Unfortunately my fears about the house were confirmed. There is significant damage, but she’s okay. In the big picture, that’s all that matters.

    I won’t go into further details as to protect her privacy.
    Randy Register - Kingston, TN
    aka Freebird aka Sparky1
    1965 41DC #93

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    Good to hear she's safe.

    That's what matter's.
    41C117 "Hattatude"
    Port Canaveral

    I have no idea what the last poster is saying. I don't think he does either.

  9. #9

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    Randy, Thanks for the confirmation. At least she is safe. Scott had contacted me and with all we and others we knew in our area were dealing it prompted me to get someone to check with all the other running around. The no car in the driveway was a good sign.
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  10. #10

    Re: Anyone in touch with Linda Disesa?

    Quote Originally Posted by madhatter1 View Post
    Randy, Thanks for the confirmation. At least she is safe. Scott had contacted me and with all we and others we knew in our area were dealing it prompted me to get someone to check with all the other running around. The no car in the driveway was a good sign.
    She’s not in the house because it’s not livable. Scott contacted you because I contacted Scott thinking he may know something.

    It’s all good as it’s mission accomplished in knowing she’s safe.
    Randy Register - Kingston, TN
    aka Freebird aka Sparky1
    1965 41DC #93

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