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Thread: My bad day

  1. #51

    Re: My bad day

    We arrived home today after 32 days and 1032 miles!
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  2. #52

    Re: My bad day

    Quote Originally Posted by madhatter1 View Post
    We arrived home today after 32 days and 1032 miles!
    And plenty of (mostly) great memories, right ?
    Miami, FL
    1970 53 MY #325 Cummins 6CTAs
    2014 26' gaff rigged sloop
    12' Westphal Cat boat

  3. #53

    Re: My bad day

    Got my shiny prop to hang on the wall of Club Mike, my bar room. I'll put an Ezperanza sticker on the worst blade. Learned a lot and plenty of great memories. I have a fairly heavy account just for the boat and the $ came out of that. I'm over the $ and looking forward to what the new four blade props do for the boat. And next time if something big happens I'll shrug my shoulders and just figure it out.

    That one spot on the rim canal is now called "The scene of the crime".
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  4. #54

    Re: My bad day

    Treasure Coast Propeller came highly reccomended. I now have to highly reccomend them. Finally after the trip and then our storms got to do the performance sea trial last Saturday. We made 2370 and 2380 RPMs WOT. Seems to be a bit higher on cruise speed but need more time to decide if that is real or in my head. But given the factor of M-15's high speed spinning the wheels, going from 3 to 4 blade, and old school hull they nailed these on size, pitch, and cup to make the transition. Boat planes off great and one of the biggest benefits is much less loss of speed going against the current on plane. End of the day no need to take them back for tuning (included in purchase price if needed).

    Also the sea trial was not without other events. After reaching full RPM long enough to take valid temp readings (turned out perfect) port engine lost RPM and eventually stalled after rolling coal. Tried to start but each time only ran for a couple seconds at very low RPM and then stalled again. Limped back to the dock and discussed possibilities of what could be wrong. Flapper was open so mechanic was guessing fuel pump or maybe blower not turning. But back at the dock he started with basics to rule them out. Used a pump to prime the injectors to try a restart. Wasn't building pressure. Turned out to just be a leak at a loose fitting so injectors were not getting proper pressure. Got us up and running.

    So shout out to Paul at TC propeller and Wayne at Anclote Diesel. These are the go to guys for sure.
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  5. #55

    Re: My bad day

    Was it an injector jumper line ?

    Endless Summer
    1967 50c 12/71n DDA 525hp
    ex Miss Betsy
    Howard P. Miller 1967-1974
    Richard F Hull 1974-1976
    Robert J. & R.Scott Smith 1976-present

  6. #56

    Re: My bad day

    I don't know. Front inboard side.
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

  7. #57

    Re: My bad day

    Glad the boat is doing well again! If you don't mind, share the prop specs on the new wheels
    1984 Hurley 36 Express sold
    1974 46C series I sold
    1984 46HP series II

  8. #58

    Re: My bad day

    They are VEEM Conquest 26 x 26 with a cup.
    1966 34c
    1982 46 HP

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