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  1. #1

    Hynautic Control System for sale

    Pulled the hynautic system off my 58 Hatteras MY and replaced with electronic. Flybridge and Pilothouse throttle and gear controllers, slave actuators and reservoirs for sale. Will consider parting out the system but would rather sell complete. Set includes 2 CR-T4, 2 CL-T4, 2 CR-B4, 2 CL-B4, 2 Shifter Slaves, 2 Throttle Slaves, 2 R03 Reservoirs with R04 Charging Valves. Located in Pensacola FL. Complete set $1,500 or best offer. Picture samples below (only allowed 3 pictures with post)
    .HEIF Image.jpgHEIF Image.jpgHEIF Image.jpg
    Last edited by captruffcs; 03-26-2024 at 09:24 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    P1300324.jpgHEIF Image.jpgHEIF Image.jpg
    added images - have 4 gear levers, 4 throttle levers, 2 throttle slave actuators, 2 gear slave actuators and 2 reservoirs with charging valves. The cosmetic condition of all levers is very good, like new..
    Last edited by captruffcs; 05-03-2024 at 09:24 AM. Reason: Adding picture

  3. #3

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    Still have these -anyone interested.

  4. #4

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    I would enjoy a thread about your electronic engine control installation.
    Running the wires, install of the controller, install of the actuators, Helm trim if needed, what brand and how well they work?
    Why the change out?
    Lots of pictures?

  5. #5

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Ralph View Post
    I would enjoy a thread about your electronic engine control installation.
    Running the wires, install of the controller, install of the actuators, Helm trim if needed, what brand and how well they work?
    Why the change out?
    Lots of pictures?
    Hi Cap Ralph - I was dealing with an issue on my port transmission where the Hynautic actuator would occasionally stick in gear. I decided to upgrade the entire system. Installed the Glendinning Smart Actuator 2 system, works great. The cost is high, about $8k for a 2 station system plus install. Unfortunately I didn’t document the installation, I should have but I didn’t. If you’d like to swap yours let me know, I can get you a quote. Next time I’m at the yacht I’ll snap a few pictures of my installation. Wasn’t crazy hard, hardest parts were pulling the old hynautic system out, running the new cables, fabricating new engine cable mounts and addressing the hole in my helm station from the extra controller that was removed. Happy to answer any questions.


  6. #6

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    thank you for the info on your retrofit Glandenning control system Im close to Pensacola and want to replace my old mechanical Morse controls would it be possible to get the name of the installer? thanks in advance

  7. #7

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    My question is when you upgraded to the electro-mechanical control, did the engine response get better or have any significant changes when compared to the old Hynautic system?

    I came from an electronic throttle system with quick response to the Hynautic system with it's slow and spongee response. Not liking it. Makes docking more difficult. Although I am getting used to know so maybe it doesn't matter much.
    1988 - 67' CPMY
    Houston, Texas

  8. #8

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by captruffcs View Post
    Hi Cap Ralph - I was dealing with an issue on my port transmission where the Hynautic actuator would occasionally stick in gear. I decided to upgrade the entire system. Installed the Glendinning Smart Actuator 2 system, works great. The cost is high, about $8k for a 2 station system plus install. Unfortunately I didn’t document the installation, I should have but I didn’t. If you’d like to swap yours let me know, I can get you a quote. Next time I’m at the yacht I’ll snap a few pictures of my installation. Wasn’t crazy hard, hardest parts were pulling the old hynautic system out, running the new cables, fabricating new engine cable mounts and addressing the hole in my helm station from the extra controller that was removed. Happy to answer any questions.


    My friend had a bad clutch servo also. I ended up rebuilding his port clutch and throttle servos.
    I also pointed out the Glendinning controllers then. Sadly, timing (checkbook) was not to accommodating at that time.
    It took a while for the first seal kits to come in so I ordered seal kits for all of his stuff. I think I purchased the last of the original fluid also.
    later, I had seal kits and service items for all of his Hynautic equipment.

    Now his timing (checkbook) may be looking better and we are discussing new controls, all N2K engine I/O and glass bridge.

    I think I have the last sets of Panish controls made also. Been waiting to replace my 46 year old Panish controls with these new (NOS) ones. Been waiting over 5 years for that now. I may get a Glendinning set up also.

    Please keep us up on how well your new controllers are working and about any hick-ups encountered. Maybe any "If I installed it this way" ideas..

  9. #9

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by MJK9999 View Post
    thank you for the info on your retrofit Glandenning control system Im close to Pensacola and want to replace my old mechanical Morse controls would it be possible to get the name of the installer? thanks in advance
    My friend and I installed it. Although it doesn’t hurt when your friend is a Captain and Marine Mechanic / Guru of all things mechanical. Captain Chad Carter - Panhandle Marine Service - panhandlemarine62@gmail.com
    Last edited by captruffcs; 06-15-2024 at 11:41 AM.

  10. #10

    Re: Hynautic Control System for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by Kquaine View Post
    My question is when you upgraded to the electro-mechanical control, did the engine response get better or have any significant changes when compared to the old Hynautic system?

    I came from an electronic throttle system with quick response to the Hynautic system with it's slow and spongee response. Not liking it. Makes docking more difficult. Although I am getting used to know so maybe it doesn't matter much.
    takes some getting used to, having both throttle and gear on the same lever, but not that big of a change. Definitely smoother and you have to a lighter hand pressure on the controls.

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