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  1. #1

    how to rotate pics during upload

    ADmin can you please help me rotate right side up my pics ive uploade. thanks in advancwed in my Siboney 2.0 repower thread? i cant figure out why uploads sideways and i dont see a pic edit function.

    1972 58' Hatteras Yachtfisherman
    Miami, Fl

  2. #2

    Re: how to rotate pics during upload

    I've found using the 'copy as path' gets the photo upright most times. Copy and paste usually gets it on its side. right click on photo and choose copy as path, this copies photo to clipboard, then paste into upload like you normally would.

  3. #3

    Re: how to rotate pics during upload

    Thank you, was having the same problem using the image uploader. Did not think to just copy and paste them.

    Appreciate the help.
    Nathan McAfee
    Ocean Sloth
    1990 Hatteras 54' EDMY

  4. #4

    Re: how to rotate pics during upload

    Use a hosting site like Imgur. Then copy/paste the photos in here. Don't use the upload function on this site.
    Sky Cheney
    1985 53EDMY, Hull #CN759, "Rebecca"
    ELYC on White Lake--Montague, MI

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