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Forum: Frequently Asked Service Questions

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  1. Bedding Glass in Aluminum Frame Windows

    It looks like my bedding the cabin window frames with butyl tape and 3M 4200 is working, no leaks yet. When I removed the stb aft window frame I noticed that there was water under the vinyl covering around the edge of the window and I decided to redo the bedding around that window glass. I...

    Started by Vincentc‎, 10-13-2011 08:26 AM
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    10-16-2011, 09:26 PM Go to last post
  2. Galleymaid head pump troubleshooting

    The copper tube is a primer for the discharge side. Galleymaid discontinued use of that tube many years ago due to crossover flow filling up people's holding tanks when the boat is sitting. The priming function was only a precaution for if the head was installed wrong and there is a downwards...

    Started by Nonchalant1‎, 08-27-2008 04:18 PM
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    08-27-2008, 04:18 PM Go to last post
  3. Oil for older Detroits, use Delo100 not 400

    a number of owners are still not aware that Delo400 has been reformulated a few years back and is no longer recommended in DD 53, 71 and 92s. Delo 100 is correct oil... (or Rotella straight 40 or Detroit branded oil) http://www.samsmarine.com/Manuals/Chevron/Chevron/Delo%20400.htm figure...

    Started by Pascal‎, 08-23-2008 12:28 PM
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    08-23-2008, 12:28 PM Go to last post
  4. Gally Maid head pump unclogging

    If you're just opening the discharge side, you don't even have to close the valve. Pour some OdorLos in the head, flush it twice and take the pump apart. Just loosen the discharge hose and let anything in the hose run into a bucket. Then remove the 6 small bolts from the big end of the big cone...

    Started by Nonchalant1‎, 03-03-2008 12:13 AM
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    03-03-2008, 12:13 AM Go to last post
  5. Plexiglass cutting

    I need to cut from 1/8 to 1/4inch plexiglass for my bridge windows. There is a curve to the windows so no straight line. I have the origional windows removed so there is a templet. ANYONE have a surefire way to cut plexiglass easily without cracking or splintering the edges? thanks Rian

    Started by al33064@bellsouth.net‎, 10-06-2006 06:46 PM
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    10-09-2006, 10:01 AM Go to last post
  6. DD Rebuilding Specifications

    Originally by "Genesis", found by Traveller45C Here ya' go::) Assuming it is a COMPLETE rebuild, $3k/hole is about right for budget purposes. BTW, complete means, to me anyway: NEW marine heads. NOT RECONDITIONED. Premium injectors in said heads. NOT your old ones.

    Started by Traveler 45C‎, 07-25-2006 12:55 PM
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    07-25-2006, 12:55 PM Go to last post
  7. New Fridge installed in 53MY!

    Yesterday it was out with the old and in with the new fridge. We managed to get it all done in about 9 hours, including the time it took to go pick up the new fridge and later take a break for pizza! Basically it was my good friend Bill DeWitt and I with some brief help from 3 guys on the dock to...

    Started by MikeP‎, 07-09-2006 08:03 AM
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    07-09-2006, 08:03 AM Go to last post
  8. Galley Maid Windlass Removal

    I am trying to remove my GMaid windlas, got all the capsans off plus 1 c clip.6 nuts underneath. Tryed to tap out a bushing around main 1 1/2 in. shaft from above but gearbok did not move. now shaft will not turn. Galley Maid teck said to pound it out using a length of pipe but Im not sure what...

    Started by stewart‎, 06-21-2006 01:43 PM
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    06-22-2006, 11:21 AM Go to last post
  9. Zincs

    I'm getting only about 5 mounths out of a set of zincs (1988 40' DC). I think I should be getting better than this. We relocated the boat to a temporary location in S.C. recently, and the problem persisted, so apparantly this is not a marina problem. A couple of years ago when I became concerned I...

    Started by (Nobody You Know)‎, 06-19-2006 12:14 PM
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    06-19-2006, 12:55 PM Go to last post
  10. House water filter system

    I'm ready to install my flake ice machine but I need a multi-stage water filtration system with UV to feed it. The package will also feed both faucets and shower with the exception of the cockpit fresh water washdown, it seems a 8-10gpm system is the correct capacity. It sure would be nice to drink...

    Started by Mike36c‎, 04-25-2006 05:57 PM
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    05-14-2006, 09:35 AM Go to last post
  11. Initial survey list for 53MY and 58YF

    here is a list that Doug Shuman (thanks Doug) put together for me in another thread. I feel this list is a good resource that should be placed in the "frequently asked service questions" section. if anyone else with 53MY or 58YF initial survey experience would like to contribute to this list,...

    Started by MarioG‎, 01-19-2006 10:15 PM
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    01-19-2006, 10:15 PM Go to last post
  12. Medical Supplies On Board

    We are planning an extended cruise this summer and would like some suggestions on what medical supplies to carry BEYOND the standard first aid kits. Are there specific OTC meds or generic potions? What are the most common on-board (on beach) medical ailments besides sunburn? The crew...

    Started by Passages‎, 12-22-2005 01:06 PM
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    12-28-2005, 09:41 PM Go to last post
  13. Post Windshield Glass, by Jimmy Watts

    I have had right much expereince with the glass problem that you asked about. I build new replacement frames for Hatteras boats and such. There are a few steps that you need to make sure that you do to prevent leaks in the near future. I use the 1/4" laminated safety glass, (unless the owner...

    Started by Pascal‎, 06-04-2005 01:50 PM
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    06-04-2005, 01:50 PM Go to last post
  14. Genesis - Heat Exchangers

    Copied over... Ok, I've been refining this process now for a couple of years, and am ready to share it with the forum... This works for ANY heat exchanger that can be isolated - genset, engine primary, transmission, and your AC system! You will need: 1. Inexpensive 500gph bilge pump...

    Started by Genesis‎, 03-28-2005 09:22 PM
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    04-30-2005, 01:26 AM Go to last post
  15. Detroit Diesel fuel pump prime (6-71,8V71, etc), by Genesis

    I do not put anything into the intake other than AIR! If your fuel system will not re-prime without all this garbage going on fix the problem instead of applying band-aids. If the correct solution for your configuration is an electric priming/boost pump, install one. A Walbro is about $100 from...

    Started by Pascal‎, 04-29-2005 03:57 PM
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    04-29-2005, 03:57 PM Go to last post
  16. 30" Compression Check on DD, by Genesis

    First, note that this ONLY works for Detroits - engines with glow plugs or other starting assists will tell you little or nothing. Second, block heaters must be OFF. The engines MUST be at room temperature. Batteries must be sufficiently charged to roll the engines over normally - use the...

    Started by Pascal‎, 04-29-2005 03:52 PM
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    04-29-2005, 03:52 PM Go to last post
  17. 53MY Fridge Replacement

    The Kenmore( built by Amana which is built by Maytag) fridge in our 53 has quit cooling. I'm doing the troubleshooting to determine if it is a defrost timer/thermostat problem which is easily fixable. Unfortunately, it could be a clogged capillary tube which is not fixable at all. In fact, a...

    Started by MikeP‎, 04-27-2005 10:25 AM
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    • Views: 43,204
    04-27-2005, 02:39 PM Go to last post
  18. Genesis’ 30 Second compression check.

    Genesis, This question came to me while reading your reply in another thread. When you first crank them up cold, what symptoms are you looking for? Please elaborate… Thanks, Greg

    Started by Traveler 45C‎, 10-26-2004 03:16 PM
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    03-22-2005, 02:28 PM Go to last post
  19. Anchor Pulpit rebuilds/core trouble foreward (and fixes)

    Gezuz, what is with the people who put some things together? The teak inlays on my pulpit are wasted and require replacement. So today, out came the wood chisel to get the boards off. They were 5200'd down, and then black cauk run around the edges. Ok. No problem there. BUT - on...

    Started by Genesis‎, 02-05-2005 10:24 PM
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    02-22-2005, 04:39 PM Go to last post
  20. 6V92 engine questions

    I have a pair of 6V92 625HP in my 1986 41C. It cruises at 24.5 Kts at 1,800 rpm, tops out at 33kts at 2350 rpm. Almost toooo fast. I would like to know if anyone has experience with these engines and if running them at 1800 rpm at 170 degrees is ok, they do load up a little and I like to run...

    Started by garyd‎, 06-08-2004 05:48 PM
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    07-12-2004, 09:34 PM Go to last post

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