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Forum: Hatteras Tech Talk

Techinical Discussion & Hatteras Related Topics Only

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  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: Acceptable Use Policy & Posting Guidelines

    Hatteras Talk Guidelines This section of the forum is for the more technical threads and topics specifically related to Hatteras yachts. Threads in this section should STAY ON TOPIC. Hatteras Owners Forum Acceptable Use Policy & Guidelines Listed below are some expectations that...

    Started by administrator‎, 08-21-2006 10:10 AM
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    08-21-2006, 10:10 AM Go to last post
  3.   Normal Threads  

  1. Morning funny

    Here you go

    Started by SEVEN‎, 08-25-2017 07:04 AM
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    Today, 12:58 PM Go to last post
  2. Do some 53 Hatteras come without a swim platform? How to manage that?

    Last week I was in Vancouver, BC visiting a friend who just sold his boat. His buddy at the marina has a beautiful Hatteras 53 ED.. we started chatting and I noticed that his Hatteras does not have a swimplatform.. He is the 3rd owner and he mentioned that the vessel came without a swimplatform...

    Started by Streff‎, Yesterday 11:59 PM
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    Today, 09:22 AM Go to last post
  3. DatCon Hour Meter

    Port engine hour meter is not working. I think it runs off a pressure switch connected to the fuel line. Can someone tell me what the switch looks like? Is it the gold colored switch in the photo? Is there a way to test it?

    Started by Triskele‎, Yesterday 03:28 PM
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    Yesterday, 10:05 PM Go to last post
  4. Boatdiesel ?

    Does anyone have current information or contact info concerning the boatdiesel forum ? I've been a subscriber for more than a decade and regulary use the Detroit forum and data base.

    Started by steve c‎, 11-16-2024 03:23 PM
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    12-08-2024, 11:02 PM Go to last post
  5. Salon Flooring Ideas

    So I want to remove the carpet in my 58’YF salon. It’s pretty trashed, and I do not want to replace with new carpet. I have seen some lay vinyl plank flooring which is nice, but I would like something more traditional like a teak and holly but without the price tag of teak and holly. What have...

    Started by acbs38‎, 12-08-2024 12:03 AM
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    12-08-2024, 10:39 PM Go to last post
  6. Help Needed: The Great Hatteras Color Code Mystery – Imron 67766x ConRock White!

    Good Morning, I need to restore a few dents and dings on my Hatteras, and I’ve tracked down the old color code: Imron 67766x ConRock White. It’s even listed in the owner’s manual, though back then it was under Dupont with a different ending—"u" The problem? Here in Mexico, nobody seems to...

    Started by Hatteras87Mexico‎, 11-28-2024 09:00 AM
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    12-08-2024, 05:09 PM Go to last post
  7. New owner 1982 53MY #410 unusual shore power situation and set up

    Due to tornado and hull damage water entered hull taking out the generator and both isolators / transformers they have been disconnected. This model has ONLY two (2) 240-50amp shore power connections, 3 male prongs two are L shaped. Question: if i connect 240 volt will the system split to...

    Started by The Seven C's‎, 10-27-2024 04:00 PM
    53my, electrical system, no transformers, shore power
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    12-08-2024, 04:51 PM Go to last post
  8. 20MDKAE Generator questions

    Hi All, I have a 1998 52’ CPMY. The generator quit on me during the night a few weeks back and I think I have if figured out but the parts are AT LEAST two weeks out. I am in Demopolis, AL and would like to continue down the river. I have figured out how to make it run and was wondering if...

    Started by hibbingbrian‎, 12-07-2024 12:53 PM
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    12-08-2024, 03:23 PM Go to last post
  9. Detroit heat exchanger tank fill neck

    Fill neck on the Detroit heat exchanger tank broke off. Any suggestions on how I should go about removing the broken neck and installing the new one. Has anyone run across this before and replaced one of these. Is it pressed in? Is any sealant needed to keep it in place once pressed in?

    Started by Triskele‎, 12-06-2024 05:39 PM
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    12-08-2024, 08:57 AM Go to last post
  10. engine compartment vacuum

    Anyone add vents to their boat for more engine room air? Engines are not getting enough air with the hatches and doors closed so looking for ideas here. Thank you

    Started by Sonic Boom‎, 12-06-2024 08:45 AM
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    12-07-2024, 11:40 AM Go to last post
  11. Onan MDL4 Exhaust Temp Sensor

    I recently had a new exhaust riser manufactured for my Onan MDL4 generator. I had the old exhaust temperature sensor mount reattached to the new manifold. Now I'm in the hunt for the correct temperature sensor device to attach to the manifold. Does anyone happen to have a part number or advice...

    Started by pmurphy‎, 11-24-2024 08:14 PM
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    12-06-2024, 07:44 PM Go to last post
  12. Keeping fresh water tanks drinkable

    For those that drink water out of the tanks what is the method used to keep it clean? Our RV sank in the storms (twice) this year and is totalled. New one has an ice maker that we would like to use. What is the best way to treat the tank without affecting taste?

    Started by madhatter1‎, 11-23-2024 06:07 PM
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    12-06-2024, 04:01 PM Go to last post
  13. Raritan issues.

    As some of you know I replaced all of the galley maid heads and pumps with new Raritan elegance comfort height. Turns out that only one of the three would actually suck toilet paper and waste and water with no issues. After working with Raritan, they sent me two new motors to replace the existing...

    Started by SEVEN‎, 12-04-2024 05:22 PM
    • Replies: 1
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    12-04-2024, 09:25 PM Go to last post
  14. Perko navigational lense (green) for 97' Hatteras Sportdeck

    Lost my perko green lens in last hurricane. Anyone have suggestions on where to get perko replacement lens? It is 5 1/4" in width by 4 1/4 width. It is a curved lens.Thanks!

    Started by sunsetacres1318‎, 12-04-2024 03:26 PM
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    12-04-2024, 04:20 PM Go to last post
  15. replace naiad hose and fitting

    I have a leak in one of my naiad hoses and need to replace it. I think this is a DIY kind of project but wanted to cast the net for information. Has anyone done such a job?

    Started by Chasing28‎, 09-26-2022 07:49 PM
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    12-04-2024, 03:00 PM Go to last post
  16. Fuel Tank Pickup Depth

    Does anybody know how far down the fuel pick ups go for the engines? Talking with the fuel polisher we came up with a theory. Obviously the engine fuel pickups go fairly deep so as to use as much fuel out of the tank as possible. I’m guessing the engine pickup is deeper than the generator pick up...

    Started by Sadey‎, 12-04-2024 09:30 AM
    • Replies: 5
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    12-04-2024, 02:34 PM Go to last post
  17. Fuel Cooler or Bad Fuel

    We have a ton of water in our FWD fuel tank. We put 200 gallons from one nozzle into that tank and 400 gallons from a different nozzle into the aft tank at fill up. Suppling and returning to the FWD tank for 12 hours with no issues. In the morning noticed maybe an inch of water in the bottom of the...

    Started by Sadey‎, 11-21-2024 07:07 PM
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    12-04-2024, 01:10 PM Go to last post
  18. Cutlass Bearings for 2003 65 Sportfish

    Does anyone know the outside diameter of the cutlass bearings for the 4 inch Prop shafts on the 65 Sportfish? Are there bearings at a forward location, if so, I presume the shafts have to be removed if those need to be replaced? Do the rudders need to be dropped to remove the shafts?

    Started by Mike57‎, 12-01-2024 07:20 PM
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    12-02-2024, 11:15 AM Go to last post
  19. Gear coolers

    Good morning I have a 1989 65 MY 1271 with ZF BW 165 gears and want to take off coolers and have them cleaned and checked for leaks any special instructions on removal/install and also were to get the gaskets/o-ring input would be greatly appreciated !!

    Started by major hattitude‎, 12-01-2024 11:56 AM
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    12-01-2024, 11:56 AM Go to last post
  20. 1972 58"YF forward fuel tank capacity?

    Exactly what is the forward fuel tank capacity of the 58 YF? according to my Owners manual it says the capacity is 315 gallons. I just finished refilling the fwd tank that was bone dry after having all the tanks emptied and cleaned. but to my surprise the FWD took 358 gallons! I'm stumped. ...

    Started by MarioG‎, 11-30-2024 06:28 PM
    • Replies: 7
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    11-30-2024, 11:35 PM Go to last post

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