I was having some issues with my boat planing when I first got her and narrowed it down to a couple of things including the trim tabs not going down. It seems sometimes they do and sometimes they dont when using the switch at the helm. If I jump the terminals at the pump, down in the lazarette, they always go down or up. I have taken the switch apart and cleaned the contacts but that doesn't seem to help. I ran a cord direct from the switch down to the terminal block and they worked perfectly but I couldn't live with that dangling down the bridge ladder and laying on the deck.

Before I left for a trip this weekend I let the tabs down at the dock before I left the house. When I got her wound up she planed perfectly and ran like a scalded dog. I was cruising at 17 knots running 1900 RPM which is the best I have seen so far. I pulled the tabs back up and when I headed home I ran the down button at the dock but never verified they were down. When coming back, with less water and fuel, she didn't want to plane as well and seemed to be struggling although we did have a significant following sea. Got home and sure enough the tabs did not go down nor would they operate at the dock using the proper switch.

Before I pull new wiring up to the switch I wanted to ask here if anyone has had similar issues and what their fix was. My first thought has always been the ground wire but it does not go up to the switch and when I jump the circuit to let them down I use the same ground source. When not operating I get proper voltage to the switch but I am thinking I am not getting enough amps.