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Thread: a/c efficiency?

  1. #11
    jim rosenthal Guest

    technical problem..

    with cleaning the heat exchanger coils with vinegar (acetic acid): my AC seawater pump is not self-priming- it relies on a flooded inlet like most of these pumps which are centrifugal pumps. When I winterize the system, I have to use a gravity-feed setup to get the antifreeze to go through. I can't think of any way to set this up that would allow the system to recirculate the cleaning solution as you said.
    Would it be just as effective to close off the coils, flood them with acetic acid, and go through five or six changes of it to clean it and then hook it back up to seawater? Otherwise, I am going to have to figure out a way to hook up a positive-displacement pump to push it through and circulate it...

  2. #12
    PascalG Guest

    a/c efficiency

    yes, voltage seems fine from what I've seen on the voltmeter althought it could be inacurate (i'll double check with a digital) , happens on the 18kw genset too.

    when I had the coils cleaned, the guy used a bucket with a pump inside to circulate the mixture thru the coils and back into the bucket. I didnt' see what kind of pump it was but even a small bilge pump would work for that.


  3. #13
    rufuschamblee Guest

    cleaning heat exchanger


    I use the same method as Karl with this exception: I use a small 12V bilge pump in the 5 gallon bucket instead of the A/C cooling water pump, connect the hose to the input side of the heat exchangers. This bypass the A/C circuit all together.


  4. #14
    Genesis Guest

    Put the bucket above the pump

    It works - you have to get it primed originally, which I do by pouring the vinegar into the lines BACKWARDS from the exit towards the pump. Once the inlet is submerged the air will be expelled.

    Just have the bucket above the seawater pump and once the loop is full it'll work fine.

  5. #15
    rich Guest

    AC cleaning

    Would you know if on my 1972, 36C which has 2 AC units one in V berth and one in Salon, if in the "start" position I can clean with vinegar as described above? The pump is on. Raw water flows.
    When you go to "run" the AC is on.
    Thank you

  6. #16
    jim rosenthal Guest

    cleaning AC unit

    OK, I have it now. I can use one of those methods and clean them out. It has probably never been done, it will be interesting to see what comes out of there.

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