Looks like I've just about put the lid on my off season ER work. Despite my well known sense of humility, I must crow some on the outcome.

Now, I must move one the really difficult task of waxing a 55C. My psychiatrist says I'm all hung-up over the cords--something about my mother. Anyway, he thinks if I cut the cord and go cordless on the buffer I might be able to cope better. Who's got a recommendation on a cordless buffer? I'm not in the business, and I may not do wax the boat again after this season when I re-power (knee replacement), so I don't need a heavy duty unit. And, I figure battery life isn't important as I'll be more than ready for a break when it is.

Lastly, what's the consensus on what product to use on my boat? It's painted; I don't with what, however. As you'd expect, it's got some chalk on the surface.

OK, here are a few shots of a proper 55C engine room, in my humble opinion.
