Another consideration, even if you can get "insurance" you really do not have "boat" insurance. With the ever increasing depreciation schedule, with few parts exceptions, you pay 80 to 90 percent of the replacement parts costs, and you are buying parts for a boat that today costs 10X what you paid for yours.

You will also be buying many more of those 10X costs parts for routine maintenance than the owner of a similar 5 year old boat.

Which leads to many owners who could afford to buy a 30 to 50 year old Hatteras, with far fewer who can afford or are willing to maintain one.

Which leads to fewer and fewer of us hobbyist that take pride in owning/maintaining/improving/using a classic item in maritime history, when mid size fiberglass boats were invented and built with pride for the upper middle class. You just have to wonder what the boat bone yard will look like in 10 or 20 years.

And since boats, at least Hatteras boats are not rotting away, the supply remains relatively constant, the demand is dropping, and prices are doing what they always do in this situation.
