Moving to survey on soon-to-be-mine 1985 43MY week after next. Among the thousand details to be dealt with, the port bow quarter of the foredeck is rotten, the result of faulty pulpit and windlass switch bedding. The area is defined by a 44" line from the bow along the pulpit and between the switches, a 50" line from there to the port rail (actually ends short of the toekick), then back to the bow along the toekick). I'm thinking about repairing this myself, but it would be the biggest fiberglass project by far that I've ever tackled - I've read what I could find here and elsewhere; it seems fairly straightforward, but still a lot of work for an area this big, and a very visible area to risk less than perfect results. So, it might make more sense to have a yard do the work; assuming the boat's hauled, I would also probably have them install line cutters and a chartplotter/sonar combo (boat doesn't have one, owner uses iPad for nav; I want a bottom machine to facilitate occasional wreck fishing detours while cruising, so might as well do cp/sonar combo then have iPad for nav backup). Long story short, does anybody have a recommendation for a reliable yard to do this work on the west coast of Florida, anywhere from St Pete to the south? Alternative might be to have the work done on the way home between SC and FL , but that would make checking on the work in progress kind of a pita. Thanks in advance.