There really is a book on doing this, written by a retired ocean master named John Trimmer, and published by Cornell Maritime Press, which is now out of print. Copies of it are going for as much as five hundred dollars. Captain Trimmer wrote it to enlighten folks like ourselves, some of whom have been run over by ocean-going vessels that they got way too close to.

However, most people have no idea what the book is about, and there is a series of reviews of the book on which are quite interesting, to say the least. I highly recommend logging onto and reading some of the reviews.

And, with all respect to Captain Trimmer, the suggestions in the book are quite valuable, as is the general principle- stay far away from these vessels, and you won't get run over. And if you've got a copy and are short of funds, think about putting yours up for sale...... or trading it for a few hundred gallons of diesel, which is appreciating also, if not at the same rate.