I checked out the Analytic Systems units a few days ago - It is almost impossible to actually buy one anywhere. The "dealers" that supposedly handle them all said, "What?" One guy finally came up with a price of $3200 bucks. Since everyone elses inverters in this size are around $1000, I couldn't see any reason to continue along that line.

Re the 3636 - I don't need a charger so I don't care. But I must have missed the other specs; I swear I read that it was 110 but perhaps in all my looking I've become a bit dizzy!

Re the 32/36 volt thing...One of the inverters I looked at ( and I don't remember which one) shows a "32/36 Volt" input as the same inverter. It doesn't have two different imputs or a switch. This makes it sound like it will operate with either input. And again, the inverter ON MY BOAT is a 36VDC inverter, NOT a 32VDC inverter and it's been on there since the boat was delivered to the original owner (though I don't think Hatt installed it).

Oh well, research is cheap!