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  1. #21

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrod View Post
    This seems appropriate right about now....
    ROFLOL!!! I'm stealing that one!

  2. #22

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    Quote Originally Posted by stormchaser View Post
    I assume you know that the market dropped 43% drop in less than 1 year under idiot Bush and war criminal Chaney. On January 20, 2009 the DOW was at 8,279.63 So, until the market drops to 4,719.66...complaining that this is all Obamas fault only make you look like you don't actually know the facts...or simply choose to ignore them.

    Obama isn't doing a great job, that I'd agree with, but he's still 10,000x better than the previous administration. THEY are the reason we are where we are...hopefully Obama can fix it, but if not, we should find domeone who can in 2012.

    It was also 14,000 under Bush! What war criminal? You mean because we ran a little water over some subhuman savages nose? WAAAAAA.
    You should be happy now that we have a surrender monkey for CIC.

  3. #23

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    Getting real close to a 25% drop in 2 mos, extrapolate ????

  4. #24

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    Quote Originally Posted by stormchaser View Post
    I assume you know that the market dropped 43% drop in less than 1 year under idiot Bush and war criminal Chaney. On January 20, 2009 the DOW was at 8,279.63 So, until the market drops to 4,719.66...complaining that this is all Obamas fault only make you look like you don't actually know the facts...or simply choose to ignore them.

    Obama isn't doing a great job, that I'd agree with, but he's still 10,000x better than the previous administration. THEY are the reason we are where we are...hopefully Obama can fix it, but if not, we should find domeone who can in 2012.
    I bet pelosi would be great. her and the rest of the hard core dumocrats ran banking and business to where we are now. Bush did not have the smarts to stop them but he was not the cause, just the guy who couldn't stop it.

    Our current POS POTUS is selling us out for his contributors with her help.

    Simple fixes that they do not want to hear.

    1) If you are not an American or a legal citizen GET OUT.
    2) No jobs for foreign workers until Americans are fully employed.
    3) NO FREE STUFF. If your parent(s) did not give you breakfast don't come to me. Poor families get food stamps. Buy food not booze and cigarettes.
    4) Want more money go work for it. If that's a problem see item # 3
    5) Aid to foreign nations is based on their loyalty and friendship. No money for countries that hate us.
    6) Underdeveloped countries with population explosions can be sent condoms. if we send food and aid they will continue to overproduce.
    7) Darwin's rule of natural selection is law. Work or starve. need a place to live work for it.

    I could go on but no reason to piss off everyone
    41C117 "Hattatude"
    Port Canaveral Florida.

    Marine Electronics and Electrical Products Distributor.

  5. #25

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    I guess when the Dow goes to 4000, it will still be the past admins problem, capitalists and investors do not like Government programs that use taxpayers money to create false employment, that is known as hidden unemployment, if you add up the employees in non productive jobs, the true unemployment rate would exceed 30%.

    When the current admin realizes that their programs have not cured the problem, there will be no money left for fixes,but there will be for Government employees and such like and their tax $$ will just re-circulate back to them as income.
    It does not matter who you blame, what matters is how you fix and what is your economy based on, individual freedom creating wealth or Government
    programs ?

    Was it not Government programs that encouraged the sub prime disaster?, and of course, give the market place a chance to capitalize on a program and it will be all over it and who can blame them.

    The Governor in the State of florida announced on the day that the State was awarded 12 Billion dollars in subsidy funds that the first place it was going to was Teachers salaries and road construction, have you ever watched the local boys digging roads and repairing sewers etc ? at least it will employee 5 instead of 2 which private enterprise would do, as far as Teachers go, enough said.

    Canada has tried all these programs in the past under very socialistic Governments and all that happened was debt soared , the Government was booted out and some sense of economic sense returned. I see our current conservative Government though is slipping towards subsidy to failing businesses that should not be subsidized.

    Seems our education system has failed to produce the free spirit of individuality and risk that created all the wealth that these idiots are now wasting. Maybe if we paid the teachers and University Prof's double or more tenure they would teach better stuff??

  6. #26

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    Some people seem to forget that the market always has and always will have it's ups and downs. Some are very extreme. They happen. No one person or political party can be blamed. I think the difference with this one is the fact that the current political majority is setting new records for big government and even bigger spending. They should have just let the market heal itself and purge the bad banks, companies and CEO's and kept the government out of it. Too late now I guess, or is it? Where do we stop? Does it matter or does anyone even care that we don't have the money? Isn't that what got so many in the credit and housing markets in so much trouble, by biting off more than they can chew?

    While there are many to blame for this crisis it is NOT something that can be blamed on one politician or one political party for that matter. It goes much, much deeper than that so please stop the partison bickering.

  7. #27

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    I absolutely agree that any gov't job that really doesn't exits is a hidden unemployment but should be accounted for. During the 1980s, my fathers job was eliminated, but the position was not. He literally spent several year reading news papers and novels and going out for 3-4 martini 2+ hour lunches while being paid $100,000 plus for ZERO work. And he was a highly paid economist working for the Comptroller of the Currency's office. Once Raegan left office, the position was restored and he actually had some work do to...talk about gov't waste...yeaah.
    "Saraswati" - 1980 53MY
    Galesville, MD

  8. #28

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    The president is not to blame, not Obama and not Bush. It is Congress who is to blame for this mess we find ourselves in. The likes of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank let the banking mess continue to where it is today. We give way too much criticism or credit to an executive branch that has little control over our government. The market crash started when the Dems took over Congress and it will continue as long as they continue to pass legislation that is anti-business.
    Sky Cheney
    1985 53EDMY, Hull #CN759, "Rebecca"
    ELYC on White Lake--Montague, MI

  9. #29

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    You know, I've been watching this thread and was wondering when someone would give the other side to the argument.

    Maybe it's my Army background, but I think it's unseemly for United States citizens to be so unapologetically vicious and nasty about our president. He is our commander in chief, like it or not. Shouldn't we wish him well and be hopeful as opposed to grousing around like jilted lovers, insulting him at every chance?

    This pickle we are in is the pickle we are in, no matter where the fault would lie. Some have offered constructive criticism, bravo for you folks, but, for goodness sakes, give it a rest, we're all in this together.

  10. #30

    Re: When Hussein speaks the market drops

    Quote Originally Posted by SKYCHENEY View Post
    It is Congress who is to blame for this mess we find ourselves in.
    I'd say it is not th fault of anyone in congress or the Gov't...it's the fault of the American people...the idiots who make $50,000 and think they can afford a $450,000 house. It's those idiots who took on too much mortgage who are to blame and it sickens me that we are bailing those MORONS out. Boo...let hem FAIL, survival of th fittest, those who do dumb things should suffer the consequences of their choices.
    "Saraswati" - 1980 53MY
    Galesville, MD

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