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  1. #11

    Re: does diesel go bad

    I ran 100 gallons of 10 year old diesel out of our forward holding tank (converted to fuel by PO in 1992 and then disconnectied in 1995 but never emptied of fuel) in our boat with no trouble at all - just pumped it with an old 12v Holley fuel pump into the forward main fuel tank which had around 150 gal of fuel in it at the time. No treatment of any kind and it ran without any problem at all. All I did was look at it and burn some on a piece of cloth to see if it burned exactly the same way as the fresh diesel. Looked fine to me.

    I suppose you can do serious tests and, if it makes you feel more comfortable, that's great. On the other hand, you can make yourself crazy overscience-ing a lot of things...

  2. #12

    Re: does diesel go bad

    Oh, that's bad fuel. You don't want that stuff. I'll just come and take it off of your hands. You would probably have a hard time disposing of it anyway.
    Sky Cheney
    1985 53EDMY, Hull #CN759, "Rebecca"
    ELYC on White Lake--Montague, MI

  3. #13

    Re: does diesel go bad

    Quote Originally Posted by krush View Post
    Sounds like Stanadyne is living in the stone-ages of marketing/distribution.
    Yes, and no. It's too involved and irrelevant to get into here.
    --- The poster formerly known as Scrod ---

    I want to live in Theory, everything works there.

    1970 36C375

  4. #14

    Re: does diesel go bad

    here are some more questions. this [diesel] could possibly be kerosene. it was used for a basement heating unit. it has no water in it, it has a red color to it, it smells like diesel but not as strong of an odor. i have never heard of diesel being used as a home heating source. my questions are: if this is kerosene, does it go bad? can i filter it and run it in my boat? [i have heard that kerosene is a more refined version of diesel ?] should i just kill grass with it? it turns out that it is only about 125 gallons, not 300 as originally thought. it is still about 500 dollars worth of fuel if good, if not i have a lot of weed killer, and a 300 gallon tank to boot. thanks for your opinions. bigbill

  5. Re: does diesel go bad

    Home heating oil is, for all intents and purposes, diesel fuel.
    http://www.denninger.net - Home page with blog links and more
    http://market-ticker.org - The Market Ticker

  6. #16

    Re: does diesel go bad

    Quote Originally Posted by bigbill View Post
    here are some more questions. this [diesel] could possibly be kerosene. it was used for a basement heating unit. it has no water in it, it has a red color to it, it smells like diesel but not as strong of an odor. i have never heard of diesel being used as a home heating source. my questions are: if this is kerosene, does it go bad? can i filter it and run it in my boat? [i have heard that kerosene is a more refined version of diesel ?] should i just kill grass with it? it turns out that it is only about 125 gallons, not 300 as originally thought. it is still about 500 dollars worth of fuel if good, if not i have a lot of weed killer, and a 300 gallon tank to boot. thanks for your opinions. bigbill
    It is not weed killer. That could be a major clean up issue as any dirt contaminated would need to be removed. I believe the cost could be well over $1000/gallon spilled if that happens. Please do not do that.

    As for burning it the difference between heating oil, diesel and kerosene is minimal.
    41C117 "Hattatude"
    Port Canaveral

    I have no idea what the last poster is saying. I don't think he does either.

  7. #17

    Re: does diesel go bad

    According to our heating oil delivery guy when we were in LI, the only difference between #2 heating oil and diesel is the dye added to diesel fuel to show that road tax has been paid. That way, if you used #2 in your car, you could be fined because the fuel is the wrong color.

  8. Re: does diesel go bad

    Mike, exactly.

    BTW, "off road" diesel is dyed too (red).

    Don't get caught with it in your car. Low risk for a personal vehicle, but commercial guys can (and sometimes do) get stopped by the DOT and they'll stick a dipstick down your tank hole - if it comes out red, bend over and grab your ankles.

    BTW if you run dyed fuel the dye is designed to "contaminate" the fuel (leave a visible color change) for a LONG time. So if you do run it once, it will be SEVERAL tanks before the color disappears.
    http://www.denninger.net - Home page with blog links and more
    http://market-ticker.org - The Market Ticker

  9. #19

    Re: does diesel go bad

    Below is a copy/paste on legal requirements for dyed diesel. Look at the bottom and note penalties associated with using dyed diesel in recreation boats. WTF??? Is that prohibition something new??

    Motor Fuel Requirements

    What are the specific requirements of dyed diesel?
    The fuel must be dyed prior to the removal at the terminal rack.
    The dyed diesel must be properly labeled.

    What does "properly labeled" mean?
    Storage tanks, containers, or facilities must be labeled with a legible & conspicuous notice stating "Dyed Diesel Fuel, Non-Taxable Use Only".
    Bills of lading and invoices accompanying any sale of dyed diesel must contain a legible & conspicuous notice stating "Dyed Diesel Fuel, Non-Taxable Use Only, Penalty For Taxable Use".

    Why must I report my dyed diesel transactions?
    These transactions must be reported in order to track the tax-free sales and use of the dyed diesel fuel. Additionally, UST and EIF reporting applies to dye diesel.

    How do I report my dyed diesel transactions?
    You report the transactions by separating out your dyed diesel activities from your other special fuel transactions.

    What are the violations for not properly using dyed diesel?
    Knowingly selling or attempting to sell dyed diesel fuel for highway use:
    First Offense: $2,500 fine Class A misdemeanor.
    Second or Subsequent Offense: $5,000 fine Class 4 felony.
    Knowingly sell, store, or transport dyed diesel fuel without the required notices:
    First Offense: $500 fine
    Second or Subsequent Offense: $1,000 fine
    Having dyed diesel in the fuel tanks attached to a licensed motor vehicle:
    First Offense: $2,500 fine, Class A misdemeanor
    Second or Subsequent Offense: $5,000 Class 4 felony
    Knowingly selling or attempting to sell dyed diesel fuel for use in a recreational-type watercraft:
    First Offense: $5,000 fine Class 4 felony.
    Second or Subsequent Offense: $10,000 fine Class 2 felony.
    Knowingly possessing dyed diesel for use in recreational-type watercraft:
    First Offense: $2,500 fine Class A misdemeanor
    Second or Subsequent Offense: $5,000 Class 2 felony

    How are violations discovered?
    Word-of-mouth or anonymous referrals
    Account reviews
    Site inspections

  10. #20

    Re: does diesel go bad

    Knowingly selling or attempting to sell dyed diesel fuel for use in a recreational-type watercraft:
    First Offense: $5,000 fine Class 4 felony.

    That part kind of confused me...Off road fuel in Illinois is RED. Taxed fuel is clear. When in Texas last week, I was talking with some of the good ol' boys about this after reading the placards on a diesel driven pump fuel tank. Most of them live on farms, and carry an off road tank in the bed of their trucks. They usually fill their main tanks from these. When I asked them about inspections, they replied,"never, except when you go to an event like a rodeo or tractor pull, then the DOT checks them all in the parking lot".
    To me, that seems like a bit of entrapment being on private property and not on the roads. ws

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