Charging stations at the truck stop during mandatory rest. The whole industry is made for electric.
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Only a matter of time!
Sure, there is a bunch of excess electricity in California. They can use it to power all of those trucks.
Lot of boat for 60K ask. Glad it isn't local, I'd be way too tempted.
I was looking at a Leopard 53 Power Cat online today, they are available in solar energy. The sales guy tried to tell me you can recharge the batteries in less than 1/2 hour to run for a whole day, I ask to talk to his technical representative to confirm that. He said he'd have him call me within the 1/2 hour, that was around 1:00 PM Eastern Time, it is now 22:14 and still no call. That must be the same 1/2 hour it takes to recharge those batteries for the day.
I realize things are changing and that is a real nice artists conception of the future. Battery tech has certainly changed and improved in a very shot time. What I wonder is do all these tree hugger electric car people know how all of these moving electrons are created.
Walt Hoover
I do a lot of work in Transport 2.0 professionally, my guess for boats is that they will eventually use Fuel Cells vs. Batteries just because of weight and packaging. This will be especially true for retrofits where they are replacing existing diesels.
All that being said, even the most optimistic EV forecasts show IC holding on for quite a while. There is a lot of infrastructure needed for generation, distribution and charging that does not exist right now.
Get it all out of the ground and sell it while there is still demand. The environment suffers quite a bit manufacturing batteries and the associated stuff to go electric. Buy the boat now and she will be about ready in 5 years.
The tech guy for the company that does the conversion to electric on the Leopard Catamarans called me yesterday morning. He said on the 53 a charge holds about 4 hours hours, that using the yacht will drain the batteries at about 50 Kilowatts per hour. He stated that with the generator and the solar panels you can keep the batteries charged.
I must be missing something because he said the generator produces 20 kilowatts per hour and the solar panels at their optimal ratings do about 5. So that is 25 going back into the batteries per hour but 50 being drained, must be some kind of "new math" he was using because the old math I use states you will drain those batteries even with the generator and solar panels running.
So now there is an electric boat that is using dinosaur squeezings to make electricity, that sounds very efficient. I'm not against electric power its just that some think that it just comes out of the air.
Walt Hoover