View Full Version : Re-fastening rubrail

05-20-2006, 05:08 PM
Noticed three screws pulled out today on a piece of stainless rubrail on the starboard bow. Pulled out three screws with ease, each about 1 1/4" long. No longer biting on anything. The rubrail covers the deck to hull joint, my question is is a longer screw the solution or is the backer (not sure what made of) shot. Thanks for any advice. I have no easy way of looking behind this joint its inside the v-berth covered by wall and overhead coverings. Thought of using marine epoxy to fill each hole and re-drill once dry.

05-20-2006, 05:30 PM
I'd fill 'em with Marinetex and redrill. Make sure you get the stuff all the way in there.

05-20-2006, 06:10 PM
They go into fiberglass. I replaced a few with longer and a bit larger screws, and rebedded each with 5200. The big deal is to have the screw heads in the countersunk shape of the rub rail and not having an edge sticking out to catch on a dock or pole, which pulls them out or makes them loose. If you can't find screws that fit, use MarineTex and redrill.
