View Full Version : Marlin jumps into boat

10-30-2013, 09:53 AM
Does this fish look a little too green to leader. I'm no expert (wish I was), but dang, let the fish get tired. I know, its better to release them green. This is a dangerous thing. Also, the boat is backing down pretty hard. The guy who jumped over is lucky he didnt get chopped up by the props. Luckily the Capt. hits fwd quickly. I wonder what kinda damage the pointy fish did to the back. Will insurance cover this mishap?


jim rosenthal
10-30-2013, 10:10 AM
These folks were certainly well prepared for this one.

10-30-2013, 02:18 PM
Looks to me like guy was just trying to get on the gunnel to get away from the fish and slipped. Luckily the water is fairly calm so retrieving him wasn't too hard.

11-02-2013, 09:12 AM
1st Law of Thermodynamics...

Energy and marlin in,

Energy and deckhand out

11-03-2013, 07:30 AM
$5 says the marlin's thinking "One down, two to go."